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The page designed to shift your mindset leading to an increase of the most important factor in our lives which is undoubtedly happiness.
- Never doubt yourself or your decisions. Everyone doubts themselves, you need to start believing in yourself truly. You really can do anything you set your mind to, make sure to believe in yourself truly.
- Look for the good in everything and everyone. Make sure to remain in a positive and productive thought process and importantly feel positive, even in negative situations. Your future adjusts depending on what goes through your mind, how you feel and how you react to the situations that arise in your day.
- You are constantly creating your future with your thoughts, feelings and reactions. Make sure the majority of your thoughts and feelings are positive. When you get angry you automatically put yourself on a negative frequency, thus clouding your judgement, bringing more negative situations into your life.
- You have to understand there are so many things that can happen which are out of our control. Your reaction/s to the situation/s decides your future. What's happened has happened and there's nothing you can do, you can't turn back time, let it go and remain positive. It's the best thing you can do.
- Limit how much your mind is on autopilot. Simply put, the more conscious you are, the more capable you are to learn things, thus making you smarter and wiser. Keep your mind in a conscious state, there's lessons to be learned all the time that you can benefit from, catch onto the things you learn and make sure to act on what you learn instead of letting them pass by you.
- You have to stay in control of your thoughts and feelings throughout the day. Choose to mainly feel positive and productive about where you want to end up. It's hard at first but by being consistent it eventually motivates you as you start seeing progress towards your goal.
- If most of your thoughts are negative it's difficult to keep out multiple negative thoughts and feelings, but when the majority of your thoughts are positive, negative thoughts come up one at a time and you can easily keep them in check by thinking about something that puts you back onto a positive frequency.
- Do things for yourself, not for other people, live in your own path. This makes you feel happy and accomplished. Set your goals and stick with them, follow your dreams all while adopting the mindset of never doubting yourself and remaining positive.
- Cut down the things in your life which are not productive to you. There is nothing wrong with having a rest and taking your mind off things, you will know when It's right to do so by trusting your intuition, but the majority of your energy should go into a productive direction. You will feel so much more accomplished every day by doing this. Where there's a will, there's a way.
- Stay consistent. If you're going towards your goal slowly but consistently, feel happy about it, you will get there. Keep your goal/s on your mind, and follow your intuition with your actions. Simply put, intuition is trusting the feelings we all get deep down, the more you use it the stronger it gets. Leading back to the first point, when you can believe in yourself truly, you find it easier to notice your intuition.
- Learn to love. There's love all around us, start looking for it. A good start is yourself, then look around, love the music you listen to, love going for a walk, love living your everyday life. Love is made with 2 steps, find the love and then feel the love, It's not love if you can't feel it as well. Make sure you feel the love, It's just as important as finding it. Love is the most powerful feeling you can experience, choose to feel it all the time. Most of us are scared of love- make sure to embrace it.
- Learn to appreciate the things everyone takes for granted. Be thankful of the amazing things around you, from the clean water, to the food you eat, to the amazing people in your life. You will find that the things most worthy of appreciation are the things that don't get appreciated anywhere near as much as they should. For the vast majority of people it's easy to appreciate that new iPhone they bought, but a lot harder to appreciate the fresh air around us. You will find that the best things in life are definitely free.
- Have a dream and go for it! Dream big. We are all truly blessed to have the power to pursue our dreams and to get the opportunity of going exactly where we want to go, we have the power to make our dreams come true. Find something you are passionate about, everyone deep down is passionate about something, there is something for everyone on this beautiful planet.
- Set your dream/goals. Do yourself a favour and sit in a quiet place alone, until you figure out what you want to do with your life, figure out what you love doing and once you find that out, GO FOR IT and don't let anyone stop you, don't doubt yourself. We are all unbelievably powerful when we find something we are passionate about, us humans have an amazing capability to learn so much and so quickly towards the things we love doing.
- We can truly achieve the goals we desire. The biggest issue with this is losing focus/losing consistency, as stated above remain consistent with your goals. If there are any obstacles in your way, think of ways to overcome them. There's always a way.
- Be aware of the distractions all around you, stay on your path. These days distractions are everywhere, from the endless amounts of reality tv shows, and shows in general which are constantly being released, to all the technology around us. Don't get distracted in anyone's life but your own. Your own goals and dreams should be the most important thing to you.