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- GEMINI (May 21 || June 20)
The Talkative Mutable Gemini! As the third sign of the 12 zodiacs, you are passionate, dynamic, curious, energetic and extremely intelligent.
You're the expert communicator also known as the chameleon of the zodiac who can transition in between different groups based on the energy that's perceived.
As a Gemini you radiate masculine energy ruled by the planet Mercury, the fastest planet in our solar system to orbit the sun, and named after the Roman Messenger God Mercury who was also the God of Travellers.
The Twins have a forward thinking and optimistic mindset with abilities to tap into their bright or dark side at will.
Enjoy your personalised mysterious Gemini experience below!
You're the expert communicator also known as the chameleon of the zodiac who can transition in between different groups based on the energy that's perceived.
As a Gemini you radiate masculine energy ruled by the planet Mercury, the fastest planet in our solar system to orbit the sun, and named after the Roman Messenger God Mercury who was also the God of Travellers.
The Twins have a forward thinking and optimistic mindset with abilities to tap into their bright or dark side at will.
Enjoy your personalised mysterious Gemini experience below!