Cause and Effect
The great law of cause and effect embodies the truth that nothing happens by chance or outside of the universal laws; We live in an ordered universe in which every cause leads to an inevitable effect... therefore, nothing can possibly happen by chance, as that would make it superior to the laws which govern our universe.
the law of cause and effect brings upon an important karmic lesson that many of us have had to learn first handedly; "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."; 'we reap what we sow"
the cause can be seen as the thoughts, emotions, words and actions we choose to hold and express within every moment; these forms of expression harness and distribute energy which is sent throughout the universe, bringing back an inevitable effect which corresponds to the cause/s that has/have been created.
By understanding this great law, an individual will be able to forsee effects inspired by their cause, or the possible effects of the world or others around them, for every cause has an effect and every effect has its cause; "the future is an open book for those who can read"; for example, whenever food, work, rest, sexual activities, use of thought force, etc, are over indulged or improperly used, we find that related organs are adversely affected.
In relation to the law of vibration, the universe is in constant motion and nothing is fixed. by grasping the truth that everything is built upon an underlying foundation of vibrational energy, an individual will understand the true nature of the universe, through their thoughts, emotions, and actions; everything we send out into the universe, from thoughts, words, to actions, inevitably comes back to us in a rhythmic pattern.
The law of cause and effect is especially interesting because we are completely free to create any cause we desire, yet we are not free from the inevitable effect which follows; "every cause has an effect, and every effect becomes the cause of something else."
for me, cause and effect has helped me greatly with the causes i do, and just like the law of correspondence, what we do on the micro is felt throughout the macro.
I learned that it's it's important to strive for perfection with everything we do, even though perfection isn't possible; Leave behind 'perfect' causes, to lead yourself to 'perfect' effects; Half-assed efforts will lead to half-assed results.
the popular belief of 'karma' orginates from this great universal law.
the law of cause and effect brings upon an important karmic lesson that many of us have had to learn first handedly; "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."; 'we reap what we sow"
the cause can be seen as the thoughts, emotions, words and actions we choose to hold and express within every moment; these forms of expression harness and distribute energy which is sent throughout the universe, bringing back an inevitable effect which corresponds to the cause/s that has/have been created.
By understanding this great law, an individual will be able to forsee effects inspired by their cause, or the possible effects of the world or others around them, for every cause has an effect and every effect has its cause; "the future is an open book for those who can read"; for example, whenever food, work, rest, sexual activities, use of thought force, etc, are over indulged or improperly used, we find that related organs are adversely affected.
In relation to the law of vibration, the universe is in constant motion and nothing is fixed. by grasping the truth that everything is built upon an underlying foundation of vibrational energy, an individual will understand the true nature of the universe, through their thoughts, emotions, and actions; everything we send out into the universe, from thoughts, words, to actions, inevitably comes back to us in a rhythmic pattern.
The law of cause and effect is especially interesting because we are completely free to create any cause we desire, yet we are not free from the inevitable effect which follows; "every cause has an effect, and every effect becomes the cause of something else."
for me, cause and effect has helped me greatly with the causes i do, and just like the law of correspondence, what we do on the micro is felt throughout the macro.
I learned that it's it's important to strive for perfection with everything we do, even though perfection isn't possible; Leave behind 'perfect' causes, to lead yourself to 'perfect' effects; Half-assed efforts will lead to half-assed results.
the popular belief of 'karma' orginates from this great universal law.