The universal law of polarity embodies the truth that everything has its opposites; everything has its poles, nothing is singular, you cannot have a left without a right, a hot without cold, etc.
the law of polarity sheds light on an old paradox of nature, which has perplexed so many; "Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."--The Kybalion.
This great law states that opposites are just different manifestations of the same thing; they differ in degrees.
In relation to the law of rhythm, the pendulum is ever at work, swinging from one pole to the other; polarity is manifested in everything... without hot, we wouldn't know cold; without up, we wouldn't know down; without good, we wouldn't know bad; without light. we wouldn't know dark.
For me, the law of polarity has helped me with shifting my mental and emotional state at low points; i realised that no matter how negative my feelings, moods, or thoughts go, there is always a positive polarity i can focus on to neutralize my situation.
Not only has this law helped me greatly with my internal polarity, its understanding has placed a huge improvement in my everyday life, on the path of transmutation I am currently on.
in correspondence to the law of vibration, There have been a number of occasions where using this law has allowed me to change the vibe-ration of certain circumstances; i mean, good and bad are just two manifestations of the same thing, and by reversing the polarity from one manifestation to the other, a middle ground of agreement can easily be found.
the law of polarity has been one of the most important laws for me to practice at this stage; i have used it to gain a better understanding of the world, myself, and others.
not only have i gained a stronger understanding of my inner and outer world, i have also achieved more control of my mental state, and the mental state of others; i feel as if this specific law ties in well with self-mastery... by controlling the polarity of internal and external situations, you essentially become the master of the world in you, and around you.
with mastery of this law, an individual will be able to change their own polarity, as well as the polarity of others; this requires balance, focus, and detachment from the distractions of the material world.
through my own experience i find that it's extremely important to understand this law while manifesting, as described in the law of attraction; up until recently, i was manifesting with my brain a lot, until i learned about heart manifestations.
when you manifest with your brain, you still move towards your desired goal/polarity, although you keep yourself open to the opposite polarity as well; just like we can see in front of us, but not behind us.
i have learned to start creating/manifesting with my heart... unlike the brain, the heart is the only place we can manifest from which doesn't create an opposite polarity; this allows an individual to achieve their desire without the adverse polarity taking effect.
"the heart creates exact manifestations, the brain creates polarity."
understand this law, look around, see the polarity in all.
the law of polarity sheds light on an old paradox of nature, which has perplexed so many; "Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."--The Kybalion.
This great law states that opposites are just different manifestations of the same thing; they differ in degrees.
In relation to the law of rhythm, the pendulum is ever at work, swinging from one pole to the other; polarity is manifested in everything... without hot, we wouldn't know cold; without up, we wouldn't know down; without good, we wouldn't know bad; without light. we wouldn't know dark.
For me, the law of polarity has helped me with shifting my mental and emotional state at low points; i realised that no matter how negative my feelings, moods, or thoughts go, there is always a positive polarity i can focus on to neutralize my situation.
Not only has this law helped me greatly with my internal polarity, its understanding has placed a huge improvement in my everyday life, on the path of transmutation I am currently on.
in correspondence to the law of vibration, There have been a number of occasions where using this law has allowed me to change the vibe-ration of certain circumstances; i mean, good and bad are just two manifestations of the same thing, and by reversing the polarity from one manifestation to the other, a middle ground of agreement can easily be found.
the law of polarity has been one of the most important laws for me to practice at this stage; i have used it to gain a better understanding of the world, myself, and others.
not only have i gained a stronger understanding of my inner and outer world, i have also achieved more control of my mental state, and the mental state of others; i feel as if this specific law ties in well with self-mastery... by controlling the polarity of internal and external situations, you essentially become the master of the world in you, and around you.
with mastery of this law, an individual will be able to change their own polarity, as well as the polarity of others; this requires balance, focus, and detachment from the distractions of the material world.
through my own experience i find that it's extremely important to understand this law while manifesting, as described in the law of attraction; up until recently, i was manifesting with my brain a lot, until i learned about heart manifestations.
when you manifest with your brain, you still move towards your desired goal/polarity, although you keep yourself open to the opposite polarity as well; just like we can see in front of us, but not behind us.
i have learned to start creating/manifesting with my heart... unlike the brain, the heart is the only place we can manifest from which doesn't create an opposite polarity; this allows an individual to achieve their desire without the adverse polarity taking effect.
"the heart creates exact manifestations, the brain creates polarity."
understand this law, look around, see the polarity in all.